Saturday, 12 March 2011

Part Deux: Zonzomnomnom

Ugh, whatever. Take two of the Zonzo - it is astounding what a difference just a little added seasoning can make. And a whole Mozzarella ball. Whilst I hesitate to add salt to anything nowadays, formerly being a Salt Water creature in a previous life, it has brought out a creaminess from the butter and cheese.

I also made sure the puree was a lot finer this time round, and added more parmesan, and. Well. I've banned myself from looking at it, as I know I'll find it hard to stop eating. It's not mind-blowing by any means, and certainly no credit of culinary skill - it's just mashed cassava - but, Jeebus is it more-ish...

Proof shown by the fact I couldn't refrain myself for the sake of an unspoiled photograph ^_^

Addendum: Microwaved a small slice the other day for that bit too long, so it got crunchy. Um. Wow. Amazing? I would think that is why its predominantly barbequed, as it comes alive when the cheese has melted through. ARGH.
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Tuesday, 1 March 2011


Well, actually, more of a Zonzodish. HAH!

I know, weak.

Anyway I got bored, there was a plate of leftover boiled Cassava in the fridge - which relentlessly mocked me as it knew I cannot resist it when finished in the tempura my mother so casually happened to have made in her attempts to fatten me up - so, I figured, may as well do something with it, that's ever so slightly healthier.

Still haven't a clue what I'm on about? Wait, that's redundant, no-one does. Anyway:

I made some Zonzo. Which is basically a Bolivian Mashed Cassava [Basically Mashed Potato, except, its Cassava] dish - usually on a stick, but, I did it the idiot-proof way. And I don't have any sticks. Mine lacked enough mozzarella as I couldn't be bothered to defrost some more, and I probably should have seasoned it a smidge more. However. It is very addictive. Dangerously so. A bit bland, but this newly introduced root/tuber/vegetableofpwn owns me quite so.

I also tried making some Kheer a month or so ago. I'll just say, with one having bits of ceramic in it, and the other having an industrial amount of Saffron in it, they could've been worse. Far worse. No, I didn't poop out a yellow vase.
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